About RWPB

Dear Reader,

Reading Way Past Bedtime is a blog about reading and finding good books. Have you ever needed a good book to read, but you can't think of anything that fits your reading style? Or you need a book to give to a friend, but you don't know what to give them? Don't worry, Reading Way Past Bedtime is here to help!

Hi everyone! My name Greek Girl and this blog here is created by me! Well, my actual name isn't "Greek Girl" it's just my pseudonym. I am entering 8th grade in the fall and I started this blog when I was in fourth grade. I created Reading Way Past Bedtime so that people can find good books to read whenever they need them. I try to post as often as I can, but sometimes I can miss a couple weeks, or sometimes even MONTHS. I have been trying to post more often, and I hope that you are up to date with my recent posts.

I have been an avid reader since I was really little, and have always enjoyed to read. I know that it is not that way for everyone and so I would like to help others find good books that suit them! There is a world of books out there, and yes, sometimes it can be hard to navigate, so I am here to be your guide!

Comment to me what kinds of posts you enjoy! I have my standard typed up recommendations, my trailer posts, birthday posts, Coming Soon to Libraries All Around the World posts (yes it's a mouthful, I know!), and much, much more! I want to know what you enjoy!

Take some time to look around, and I hope that this blog inspires you to dive into a new book, and spend some quality time reading way past bedtime!

Stay tuned for more awesomeness,

Greek Girl

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