Sunday, March 11, 2018

Warcross by Marie Lu

Hey everyone! Happy weekend! Today I am here to share with you a book by an author that I have become very into lately. The book is Warcross by Marie Lu! You may recognize Marie Lu's name from one of my previous posts where I mentioned two books from her Legend trilogy, Legend and Prodigy. You can click here to view that post.

Early on in 2018, I read Marie Lu's Legend trilogy, and I loved it so much! I looked up quotes and fan art, and I am currently making my best friend read the series, and she really likes it too! I am constantly asking for updates about which part she is at...

Anyway, I started reading Warcross a couple of days ago, and from the moment I read the first page, I was hooked!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

My Apology Post #i'mtheworst

Mendax! Furcifer! If you don't know what that means it's probably because it is in Latin. Basically... I am a liar. What a great way to start my post! So, in my last post, which you may or may not know was posted two months ago, I said that my challenge for 2018 was to post every week about something that I have read in that past week... as you can probably tell by scrolling down my blog and looking at the dates for the entries, that did not happen.

I don't actually know how many people out there read this. Apart from friends from school who I am constantly reminding to read my blog. My dad told me at the start of 2018 that this blog should be for me. It should be something that I chose to do because I want to do it, not because I want to get more page views. He said that I don't have to commit myself to writing one post a week for I can get busy, and so on. At the time of course I was like, "Geez Dad, duh!" but now all I can think is, "Oh gosh... he was so right!".

I really love this blog. I want to try to write as much as I can, but I don't really know how often that will be. I'm not going to make any more promises that I can't keep. And to anyone who is reading this... I'm sorry.

Stay tuned for more awesomeness,
Greek Girl

P.S. Do you like my new Bitmoji? I think it looks pretty much just like me... 15 years in the future...

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Happy 2018!

Happy 2018 everyone! Boy do I have a lot in store for you today! Along with the new year, I have decided to make some changes about the way I run my blog. As you know, I had a challenge for myself way back in 2016, to read 150 books in that year. By the time 2017 came around I had made it 137 books, so last year I tried again. And yet again I failed, landing a grand total of 88 books. Not nearly as well as I had done the year before. In case you don't remember, or you weren't a reader of my blog back then, I had rules for what books counted and what books didn't.

To refresh your memory:

Rule 1) Every book that I read has to be a book that I have not read before this year. For instance, if I read the same book twice this year, I cannot count it as two books read. But if I haven't read the book in a couple of years, however, and I read it again THIS year, I can count it once.

Rule 2) I have to read the book all the way through for it to count.

Rule 3) I do not count picture books. Yes, I know. Picture books are books too, but if it counted every time I read one of those, I would be done incredibly quickly and I want to make this a real challenge!

Rule 4) Graphic novels count, too (of course).